






Bwin必赢亚洲平台慈善导航组织认识到组成反馈的重要性,非盈利组织从受益者收集反馈,并使用决策过程所学知识。Bwin必赢亚洲平台2021年2月, 我们分享同笔博客文章,



今日,我们乐于介绍这样一个组织-PaceGirlcent Inc.-Encombass评分组织百分百分百分百分百分百分百分百分百分百分百分百分百,其中包括文化社区信标百分百分百分数百分百百分数百分数百分百



佩斯女孩中心(PaceCenter forGirls)理解,为改变生活,她们和家人必须拥有决定当前和未来的声音,正因如此,在过去35年中,我们提升了4万多女孩的声音。 Pace全年提供学术和社会服务,通过对性别问题敏感、有创伤感知和强力透镜提供,Pace使用反馈改变那些可能经历过与少年犯罪和不良童年经历相关风险因素的女孩的生命轨迹





花时间和精力开发反馈回路 因为它们支持我们的使命文化即时数据帮助通知服务并确保程序满足参与者需求并增强他们的强项。 我们相信,我们倾听、反射并按从我们女孩及其家庭、团队成员和社区伙伴收到的反馈采取行动的能力有助于提高质量努力,增强程序创新并增强社会影响。下文我们分享从执行反馈回路中获取的教益















反馈文化允许在COVID-19大流行期间敏捷调整服务提供模式We asked our girls and families ‘what can we do for you?' ‘what are your challenges?'  We conducted surveys and townhalls with families that contributed to an understanding of their challenges and what services were needed.  We used feedback to create new ways or modify existing ways to provide counseling and academic services.  Moving to a remote environment, it was important to listen and learn about how these new forms of service delivery were perceived and were in alignment with our culture.  For example, while some girls were thriving with remote services, we learned that others were struggling and needed additional support.  We applied this learning to our reopening plans to provide options for our families.





Feedback offers team members opportunities to understand and reflect on the experiences of our girls and families and use these insights to support quality services.  The process of sharing findings and seeking interpretation from team members, our girls and community partners, facilitates uncovering key issues and root causes in the communities where we live and work.  In several of our communities, we have engaged in community collaborative projects to examine the experiences of girls.  As part of a data-driven approach, we aligned quantitative community indicators with girls' feedback and reflected on it with community partners.  This exercise translated into strategies to support girls' healthy development and maximized the utilization of local resources.  For example, one community created cards with relevant information for youth and parents targeting reducing the issues of failure to appear in court.



实施反馈回路并非易事,它需要时间、努力和谦卑感。 它要求组织及其领导层开放监听并修改实践Pace领导和团队成员支持这一进程并支持其实施,因为它有助于公平和包容以及社会影响提升我们女孩及其家庭的声音为Pace提供社区所请求的影响创建了更大的问责制




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Bwin必赢亚洲平台慈善导航组织认识到组成反馈的重要性,非盈利组织从受益者收集反馈,并使用决策过程所学知识。Bwin必赢亚洲平台2021年2月, 我们分享同笔博客文章,

今日,我们乐于介绍这样一个组织-PaceGirlcent Inc.-Encombass评分组织百分百分百分百分百分百分百分百分百分百分百分百分百,其中包括文化社区信标百分百分百分数百分百百分数百分数百分百

佩斯女孩中心(PaceCenter forGirls)理解,为改变生活,她们和家人必须拥有决定当前和未来的声音,正因如此,在过去35年中,我们提升了4万多女孩的声音。 Pace全年提供学术和社会服务,通过对性别问题敏感、有创伤感知和强力透镜提供,Pace使用反馈改变那些可能经历过与少年犯罪和不良童年经历相关风险因素的女孩的生命轨迹


花时间和精力开发反馈回路 因为它们支持我们的使命文化即时数据帮助通知服务并确保程序满足参与者需求并增强他们的强项。 我们相信,我们倾听、反射并按从我们女孩及其家庭、团队成员和社区伙伴收到的反馈采取行动的能力有助于提高质量努力,增强程序创新并增强社会影响。下文我们分享从执行反馈回路中获取的教益






反馈文化允许在COVID-19大流行期间敏捷调整服务提供模式We asked our girls and families ‘what can we do for you?' ‘what are your challenges?'  We conducted surveys and townhalls with families that contributed to an understanding of their challenges and what services were needed.  We used feedback to create new ways or modify existing ways to provide counseling and academic services.  Moving to a remote environment, it was important to listen and learn about how these new forms of service delivery were perceived and were in alignment with our culture.  For example, while some girls were thriving with remote services, we learned that others were struggling and needed additional support.  We applied this learning to our reopening plans to provide options for our families.


Feedback offers team members opportunities to understand and reflect on the experiences of our girls and families and use these insights to support quality services.  The process of sharing findings and seeking interpretation from team members, our girls and community partners, facilitates uncovering key issues and root causes in the communities where we live and work.  In several of our communities, we have engaged in community collaborative projects to examine the experiences of girls.  As part of a data-driven approach, we aligned quantitative community indicators with girls' feedback and reflected on it with community partners.  This exercise translated into strategies to support girls' healthy development and maximized the utilization of local resources.  For example, one community created cards with relevant information for youth and parents targeting reducing the issues of failure to appear in court.

实施反馈回路并非易事,它需要时间、努力和谦卑感。 它要求组织及其领导层开放监听并修改实践Pace领导和团队成员支持这一进程并支持其实施,因为它有助于公平和包容以及社会影响提升我们女孩及其家庭的声音为Pace提供社区所请求的影响创建了更大的问责制

